So Fresh And So Green | Simple Steps To A More Sustainable Laundry Routine


While we love clean clothes and good smells (it’s what. we. do.), we also know that having clean clothes can take a toll on our earth. Unfortunately, the average laundry routine uses a lot of water and energy, plus chemicals that aren’t great for people or the planet. The good news? A few small adjustments can actually make a big impact on the environment (while also extending the life of your clothing 👕 👖👗!).


Go Natural

Choose people-safe, planet-kind products that are made with simple plant and mineral based ingredients. Pass on products with synthetic fragrances, dyes, optical brighteners, and preservatives. 


Stay Cool

Most clothing can be properly washed on the cold setting, so only turn up the heat when you really need it (think stains, stink, and sanitizing). Heating water accounts for the majority of your machine's energy use—up to 90% of it!


Load It Up

Your washer will use about the same amount of energy no matter the size of the load, so run full loads whenever possible. If you do have only a few items to clean, make sure to adjust your settings to the smallest capacity possible to save water.


Air It Out

Skip the dryer - it’s a huge energy savings, plus it’s gentler on your clothes. Dryers are such energy sucks that even a new one can consume as much electricity as an efficient new washing machine, refrigerator, and dishwasher combined.


Slow It Down

If you do decide to use the dryer, save energy by choosing a longer drying cycle on a low heat setting versus a short drying cycle on high heat. Dryers expend much more energy on heat than on tumbling, so reducing heat will save more energy than reducing tumbling. 


Have A Ball

Ditch the dryer sheets and opt for dryer balls to soften your laundry naturally, free of harmful chemicals. These wonder balls will also help save energy by cutting down on drying time (like 25%!). 


And Finally ….

When it comes to your laundry routine, one of the best ways to conserve water and energy, plus extend the life of your clothing is …. to NOT do laundry! Not doing laundry may seem like some strange advice coming from us, but as much as we like doing laundry, we like protecting the planet even more. The fact is that while some items should definitely be washed after each wear (hello underwear, socks, and sweaty gym clothes), most things can be worn a few times before hitting the hamper. Stay tuned to the blog find out exactly how often you should wash your clothes.    


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